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近期推介:《愛虛構 Fiction Passion – Season 1 》
《愛虛構 Fiction Passion – Season 1 》
2024 年 12 月 13 日出版
《愛虛構 Fiction Passion》是由愛虛構秘密會社出版的同人誌,2024 年 8 月 1 日創刊,成員包括吳幸晨(社長)、雷庭音、賴晨輝和胡亞尼。欄目包括:「少女革命 la fillette révolutionnaire 」、「拼圖咖啡店 Café Puzzlism」、「SF 的奇異日常」、「SF 少女日記」。同人誌的插圖採用日系動漫風格,文字內容亦充滿漫畫色彩。作者們希望貫徹 2.5 次元的主張,接通虛構和真實,以文字和圖像創造出無限可能的平行世界。【詳細介紹】【電子報網頁】
Hong Kong Type: A Love Letter Late by One Hundred and Fifty Years
2024 年 11 月 15 日出版
Hong Kong Type is the first complete set of movable lead types in Chinese characters. It was minted by the missionaries of the London Missionary Society, with experiments starting in Malacca in the 1830s, until completion in Hong Kong in 1851. It was then used to print the Chinese Bible and works introducing Western knowledge to China. It brought about the modernization of the printing industry in China, gradually replacing traditional wood block printing by movable type printing. 【More information】
This work is based on the facts about Hong Kong Type but it is not a historical novel. It is both about the past and the present. A typeface is where the word and the object meet, where culture and technology, or the spiritual and the material, converge. The novel is about writing itself, which is both a letter and a record, a séance and a testament. 【Trial reading】
《菩薩 18 / Bodhisattva 18》
2024 年 7 月 17 日出版
文本:董啟章 | 插畫:梁偉恩
全文以人工智能 GPT-4 翻譯成英語,再由作者修改及校訂,與原文並行刊載。【試讀】
2024 年 1 月 15 日出版
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