Born in Hong Kong, grew up in Hong Kong. Keeps company with a fox and a hedgehog. Writes about the past, the present, and the future in a fictional way. Also writes essays on reading.

Began writing in 1992 and has published more than forty books since then. Recent works include the novels “Posthuman Comedy”, “Hong Kong Type”, and essay collections “Fox Reads” and “Hedgehog Reads”.

English translations of his works include “Atlas: The Archaeology Of An Imaginary City”, “Cantonese Love Stories”, “A Catalog Of Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On” and “A History of the Adventures of Vivi and Vera” (“Works and Creations, As Vivid As Real”). “Atlas” won the Science Fiction and Fantasy Translation Award in 2013.

For details on his works in Chinese and in translations, see the “Works” and “Bibliography” page.

In 2023, Dung re-published his representative work “Works and Creations, As Vivid As Real” in the form of NFT book, experimenting with the dissemination and preservation of literary works on the blockchain.

Email: [email protected]